Meet FCT’s new ambassador, Squadron Leader Lucy Playle

Squadron Leader Lucy Playle, a dedicated individual with a storied journey in the Royal Air Force. From a young age, Lucy displayed an unwavering commitment to serve her country, joining the RAF at the age of 16. 

Throughout her career, she has excelled in various roles, impressively rising through the ranks to achieve the esteemed position of Sergeant as an administrator. In 2018, Lucy commissioned as a People Operations Officer. With a drive to enhance the morale and wellbeing of her fellow RAF personnel, and a genuine investment into the provision of welfare, she tirelessly worked towards creating an environment of support and resilience.

Inspired by a desire to make a difference beyond her immediate sphere, Lucy began supporting the Forces Children’s Trust in 2019. This incredible organisation holds a special place in her heart, as she was deeply moved by its mission to assist children in need, children that have tragically lost a parent or have an injured parent due to their service in the Armed Forces. With an empathetic and compassionate nature, Lucy became an advocate for these children, dedicating her time and resources to ensure they receive the support and opportunities they rightly deserve. 

Forces Children’s Trust are delighted to announce Lucy as an ambassador for the charity.